I recently had occasion to write a philosophy of educational leadership, and wanted to share it. It is dense in terminology, but captures many of the themes I write on often. Enjoy!
I believe educational leadership is a multifaceted concept involving various challenges and approaches at different times. Currently in our school division, it is heavily focused on the needs of the 21st century learner. These learners include not only our students, but the teachers, parents and other adults in daily contact with young people in our district. Leaders in education are able to model effective and appropriate uses of technology in school by teachers and students, and engage learners creatively.
Administrators create supports for and collaborate with teachers, building leadership capacity that is responsive to educational challenges. Teachers must feel empowered and enabled to create exceptional learning experiences for our students utilizing the strengths we have, and leveraging them into the global learning community. An administrator of the 21st Century realizes that learning does and must occur outside the school walls, and leads teachers into new frontiers of education.
Educational leadership indicates a willingness to be a risk-taker, collaborator, learner, mentor, problem-solver and innovator at appropriate times and in a thoughtful research-based manner. In creating an effective learning community, leadership is also displayed in the ability to deescalate difficult situations and arrive at common ground for the benefit of all parties.
Finally, educational leadership is deeply rooted in service to the school community and school division, while consistently improving learning opportunities for each learner. Educational leaders enrich the school community and build authentic relationships with students and teachers, providing positive environments for growth of all learners, including themselves.
These are some of the key beliefs I hold about 21st Century Leadership, how about you?